Freed and bound by our love...
— Our Wedding Vows
amy and caroline exchanging vows at their own outdoor wedding in the redwoods

Our story

Being a married queer couple brings us immense joy and pride every single day. We honor all of the heartbreak and triumph that has come before us to award us this opportunity and do not take it lightly. What it took to get here, even for us, was a long road. But we believe in love and the healing power of choice. Marriage equality was a major victory for the LGBTQ+ community, and for those of us that want this relationship structure.

Over the years we had both been asked to become ordained to officiate weddings for friends, family and loved ones. After many iterations of performing these services, we wanted to find a way to use our skills for the benefit of our LGBTQ+ community, and Choose Love Weddings was born. We can offer access to those who need it while also engaging our allies to pay forward their privilege. By combining relationship coaching, intentional service design, and co-creating an emotional landscape that will give folks the feelings they want to remember on their wedding day, we know that Choose Love Weddings is facilitating meaningful memories and delivering valuable experiences.

caroline and amy celebrating after they got married in san francisco in the redwoods

Our Mission

We understand the way that society has unfairly set up systems to privilege some and disenfranchise others. Marriage is one of those constructs. The mission of Choose Love Weddings is to make it easier for those that have been historically oppressed by those privileges the chance to access them, and to use the privilege afforded to allies to pay forward some of that power. It’s set up to give back. Whether you’re LGBTQ+ identified or not, Choose Love Weddings gives you the opportunity to make even more meaning out of the choices you make for your wedding day.

“They made us feel comfortable putting the ceremony in their hands and officiated it beautifully with much love, intention and laughter! It couldn’t have been a more perfect representation of who we are as a couple!.”

- Katie and Manuel